Our Principles

As a non-profit Foundation we base our actions and reasoning on a set of clear principles and beliefs that stem from a rational and compassionate representation of the human condition and what can be our role at the service of the collectivity.

ALPS is a platform for exchange, on both the online and personal level. We aim to help clinicians, researchers, students and anyone else interested, to acquire and deepen their knowledge and awareness about psychedelic sciences and its future developments, as well as to create career opportunities.

Below you will find more detailed descriptions of each building block.



We base our work on a certain idea of competence that we share ourselves and promote within our professional community:

  • we promote an ongoing learning mindset in our activities

  • we base our mindset on critical rational thinking

  • we cherish a responsible and grounded autonomy of decision


Intrinsic Motivation

Our intrinsic motivation stems from the deep realization that we can support efforts to make the world a better place by:

  • working to reduce useless human suffering

  • aiming at promoting human positive development


Effective Altruism

We are shaping ALPS Foundation as a jewel of human cooperation. That is why, in our secular, technological, intercultural society, we have implemented in its very core the principles of Effective Altruism.

Effective Altruism is a philosophy and social movement that advocates the use of evidence and reasoning to determine the most effective ways to benefit others (check it out, here). Effective Altruism is one of the tools that we use to guide our actions:

  • For the inside workings of the foundation: for people working within

  • For the outside: orienting our actions in a systemic way