Swiss Psychedelic Student Network
The Swiss Psychedelic Student Network unites the different University student associations of the country. Local in ambition, but global in their outlook, these associations offer students interested in learning about and working with psychedelics a room to grow. Through a variety of events, spanning from paper-clubs to movie screenings, they provide direct and participative access to evidence-based knowledge about psychedelics.
Independent from the ALPS Foundation and based as institutional integrated associations of their respectives universities, they are one of our key links to the next generation of psychedelic scientists and practitioners. We are happy to count them and support them as a part of the psychedelic science community.
Click on their logos to learn more about their daily activities.
Psychedelic Association of Lausanne for Awareness
Association pour la Recherche sur les Psychédéliques de l'Université de Genève
Psychedelic Research Organization Of Fribourg
Psychedelic Research Organization Of Bern
Neuchâtel Association for Psychedelic Awareness
Psychedelic Research Organization of Zurich
Psychedelic Awareness & Research Association Basel

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