Do psychedelics really produce a mystical experience?
Currently, in the field of psychedelic research, the most popular psychometrically validated instrument is the “Five Dimensions of Altered States of Consciousness Questionnaire” (5D-ASC), closely followed by Mystical Experience Questionnaire (MEQ30). The latter is used to analyse the general phenomenon of a mystical experience, what the underlying neural mechanisms of it are, and whether it can predict therapeutic efficacy. But how come so many people describe psychedelic experiences as mystical? Or maybe the question is, who started to use this terminology and why?

Drug-induced synesthesia and genuine synesthesia – a comparable phenomenon?
What does the acute effects of psychedelics tell us about synesthesia? Tabea takes a dive into the literature, showing that this intuitive connection might be a bit more complex than you might expect.

Psychedelic Summer Reads
Summer is here, and with it the promise of a long awaited vacation.What better time to catch up on some reading? Here are a few recommendations for a psychedelic beach read that are sure to leave you both entertained and informed.

Strengthening the psychedelic scientific community : ALPS Forum
ALPS Foundation is all about strengthening the psychedelic scientific community. The ALPS Forum is one of the means for achieving that goal.

The Swiss Psychedelic Students Network keeps growing!
What is the Swiss Psychedelic Student Associations Network? As we prepare to greet the newest member of our family, the Psychedelic Research Organisation of Bern (PROBE), I reflect upon how the network came to be, and what the future might hold

Empathy, trust, and doing good with psychedelics
Most of the people studying psychedelics know about their intense hallucinogenic effect, their potential in therapy or even neuroplasticity, but today I would like to focus on one effect that is not immediately associated with psychedelics: prosocial behaviour.

Recap : Journée addictologie HUG -Les thérapies assistées par psychédéliques
Un de nos contributeurs a été présent à la 26ème journée genevoise d’addictologie. Dans cet article il donne une vue d’ensemble de l’événement.

“Psychedelic therapy” or “psychedelic-assisted psychotherapy”? A walk through the scientific jargon
A classification of today's applied psychedelic research

Recap: Psychedelics Workshop at UNIFR
Our takeaway from the exploratory workshop on psychedelics held at the University of Fribourg on the 11th of March 2022.

Looking back at the first ALPS conference
It seems like a different time, when hardly over a year ago, the first seeds of what would eventually turn into our first scientific conference were planted.

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