Federico Seràgnoli


Federico’s bio

Founder & Chief Executive Officer

Of Italian origin, I came to Switzerland to pursue my studies in Psychology and become a therapist.

Writing a journal since my adolescence, I've always been interested in the phenomena of consciousness and self-awareness. My passion for metacognition and compassion guided me to dedicate my professional career in the field of Psychedelic Assisted Psychotherapy (PAP).

Today, I'm a psychotherapist in training (CBT - FSP) in Geneva, working at the psychedelic unit of the Geneva University Hospital (HUG). In my work, I focus on psychotherapy, supervising patients undergoing an exceptional medical use (also called “compassionte use”) treatment with psychedelics (Psilocybin, LSD) in a therapeutical setting. I also participate in research, helping for different lines of inquiry on psychedelic assisted psychotherapy in a public hospital setting.

I’m pursuing a PhD Thesis at the University of Lausanne within the Cognitive and Affective Regulation Laboratory which revolves around insight and metacognitive skills as factors involved in the integration process within PAP.

I co-founded PALA - Psychedelic Association of Lausanne for Awareness, the first university student association on psychedelics in Switzerland, which has put the premises for the ideation and development of ALPS Foundation. My goal is to create platforms to empower a new generation of students and professionals in this field.

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